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professional-php-11-newclass.Logger.php / php

  //Log Levels.  The higher the number, the less severe the message
  //Gaps are left in the numbering to allow for other levels
  //to be added later
  define('LOGGER_DEBUG', 100);
  define('LOGGER_INFO', 75);
  define('LOGGER_NOTICE', 50);
  define('LOGGER_WARNING', 25);
  define('LOGGER_ERROR', 10);
  define('LOGGER_CRITICAL', 5);
  class Logger {
    private hLogFile;
    private logLevel;
    //Note: private constructor.  Class uses the singleton pattern
    private function __construct() {
    public static function register(logName, connectionString) {
      urlData = parse_url(connectionString);
      if(! isset(urlData['scheme'])) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid log connection string connectionString");
      include_once('Logger/class.' . urlData['scheme'] . 'LoggerBackend.php');
      className = urlData['scheme'] . 'LoggerBackend';
      if(! class_exists(className)) {
        throw new Exception('No logging backend available for ' . 
      objBack = new className(urlData);
      Logger::manageBackends(logName, objBack);
    public static function getInstance(name) {
      return Logger::manageBackends(name);
    private static function manageBackends(name, LoggerBackend objBack = null) {
      static backEnds;
      if(! isset(backEnds)) {
        backEnds = array();
      if(! isset(objBack)) {
        //we must be retrieving
        if(isset(backEnds[name])) {
          return backEnds[name];
         } else {
          throw new Exception("The specified backend name was not " . 
                              "registered with Logger.");
       } else {
         //we must be adding
        backEnds[name] = objBack;
     public static function levelToString(logLevel) {
      switch (logLevel) {
        case LOGGER_DEBUG:
          return 'LOGGER_DEBUG';
        case LOGGER_INFO:
          return 'LOGGER_INFO';
        case LOGGER_NOTICE:
          return 'LOGGER_NOTICE';
        case LOGGER_WARNING:
          return 'LOGGER_WARNING';
        case LOGGER_ERROR:
          return 'LOGGER_ERROR';
        case LOGGER_CRITICAL:
          return 'LOGGER_CRITICAL';
          return '[unknown]';

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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