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professional-ajax-05-FooReader-xml-alphafilter.xml / xml

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      <title>AlphaFilter() - Resources for the Web Lizard</title>
      <description>Articles and Tutorials written by your peers, for your peers.</description>
      <copyright>Copyright (c) 2005</copyright>
      <lastBuildDate>Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:03:41 EST</lastBuildDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Fun with XML and XSLT]]></title>
                          With Foo's request, I'm republishing my entry in Milk Basilica about a quick introduction/sample about XML and XSLT. XML with XSLT is something all web developers should come to love and understand since it is the basis of XHTML, WML, RSS, XBEL, Atom
            <pubDate>2005-07-16 10:37:53.247</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Iterative Design]]></title>
                          When under a deadline, you can sometimes take the short path. Sadly the
  shortest path in code leads to extremely inefficient code. Take a look at an
  example of iterating over an implementation to improve speed dramatically.
            <pubDate>2005-04-08 14:10:08.14</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Detect, Redirect for Mobile's]]></title>
                          The browser is not the only way people access your site these days, and with 
  most mobile devices and services having web access, it might be a good idea 
  to present a "Mobile" version of your content.
            <pubDate>2005-04-06 12:06:28.687</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Very Simple Tentacle Tutorial]]></title>
                          A very simple three step photoshop tutorial that will make cool looking tentacles.
            <pubDate>2005-04-04 20:40:13.607</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[MS SQL Server Stored Procedures with PHP]]></title>
                          While working on a personal project recently, I had occasion to use MS SQL 
  Server stored procedures from PHP. The documentation on this topic was a 
  little sparse at the time, so I?ve put together this example now that I've sussed 
            <pubDate>2005-02-24 15:17:51.827</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[ADT Tree in PHP]]></title>
                          This Classes provides a generic Abstract Data Type Tree to general purpose
            <pubDate>2005-02-20 22:41:06.717</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Basic Log class]]></title>
                          Many times when you arn't able to log information to a database or have the
  need to do so, this class will allow you to save it to a flat text file.
            <pubDate>2005-01-27 17:44:26.28</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[XSLT: Transforming Your Data Part 2]]></title>
                          Multiple Templates, Multiple Elements, and Variables
            <pubDate>2005-01-26 10:21:58.5</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Database Records to XML]]></title>
                          Writing your own custom routines to translate your database records to XML is 
  so whack, man. Whack! Thanks to this library of functions, now you won't have 
  to anymore.
            <pubDate>2005-01-20 14:52:46.36</pubDate>
            <title><![CDATA[Cross-Browser photo fading slideshow]]></title>
                          You've seen Clagnut's photo fader. I took his principals and extended them to 
  make a cross-browser slide show tool. Just a few lines of code.
            <pubDate>2004-12-29 15:07:35.747</pubDate>

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher. In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.