topical media & game development

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basic-php-13-outputfunctions.php / php

  function trimBody(theText, lmt=500, s_chr="\n", s_cnt=2) {
    pos = 0;
    trimmed = FALSE;
    for (i = 1; i <= s_cnt; i++) {
      if (tmp = strpos(theText, s_chr, pos+1)) {
        pos = tmp;
        trimmed = TRUE;
      } else {
        pos = strlen(theText) - 1;
        trimmed = FALSE;
    theText = substr(theText, 0, pos);
    if (strlen(theText) > lmt) {
      theText = substr(theText, 0, lmt);
      theText = substr(theText, 0, strrpos(theText,' '));
      trimmed = TRUE;
    if (trimmed) theText .= '...';
    return theText;
  function outputStory(article, only_snippet=FALSE) {
    global conn;
    if (article) {
      sql = "SELECT ar.*, " .
             "FROM cms_articles ar " .
             "LEFT OUTER JOIN cms_users usr " .
             "ON ar.author_id = usr.user_id " .
             "WHERE ar.article_id = " . article;
      result = mysql_query(sql,conn);
      if (row = mysql_fetch_array(result)) {
        echo "<h3>" . htmlspecialchars(row['title']) . "</h3>\n";
        echo "<h5><div class=\"byline\">By: " .
             htmlspecialchars(row['name']) .
        echo "<div class=\"pubdate\">";
        if (row['is_published'] == 1) {
          echo date("F j, Y",strtotime(row['date_published']));
        } else {
          echo "not yet published";
        echo "</div></h5>\n";
        if (only_snippet) {
          echo "<p>\n";
          echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trimBody(row['body'])));
          echo "</p>\n";
          echo "<h4><a href=\"viewarticle.php?article=" .
               row['article_id'] . "\">Full Story...</a></h4><br>\n";
        } else {
          echo "<p>\n";
          echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars(row['body']));
          echo "</p>\n";
  function showComments(article, showLink=TRUE) {
    global conn;
    if (article) {
      sql = "SELECT is_published " .
             "FROM cms_articles " .
             "WHERE article_id=" . article;
      result = mysql_query(sql,conn)
        or die('Could not look up comments; ' . mysql_error());
      row = mysql_fetch_array(result);
      is_published = row['is_published'];
      sql = "SELECT co.*,, " .
             "FROM cms_comments co " .
             "LEFT OUTER JOIN cms_users usr " .
             "ON co.comment_user = usr.user_id " .
             "WHERE co.article_id=" . article .
             " ORDER BY co.comment_date DESC";
      result = mysql_query(sql, conn)
        or die('Could not look up comments; ' . mysql_error());
      if (showLink) {
        echo "<h4>" . mysql_num_rows(result) . " Comments";
        if (isset(_SESSION['user_id']) and is_published) {
          echo " / <a href=\"comment.php?article=" . _GET['article'] .
               "\">Add one</a>";
        echo "</h4>\n";
      if (mysql_num_rows(result)) {
        echo "<div class=\"scroller\">\n";
        while (row = mysql_fetch_array(result)) {
          echo "<span class=\"commentName\">" .
               htmlspecialchars(row['name']) .
               "</span><span class=\"commentDate\"> (" .
               date("l F j, Y H:i", strtotime(row['comment_date'])) .
          echo "<p class=\"commentText\">\n" .
               nl2br(htmlspecialchars(row['comment'])) .
        echo "</div>\n";
      echo "<br>\n";

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher. In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.