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game-javascript-casual-same-game-game.htm / htm

    1.  Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
    2.  Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
    3.  Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document  -->
  <!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document  -->
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
  <!-- Original:  Jason Fondren ( -->
  <!-- Modified:  Benjamin Wright, Editor -->
  <!-- Web Site: -->
  <!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
  <!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->
  <!-- Begin
  //        Preload and identify all of the images.
  //        Default config for the script only uses
  //        three different colored balls.
  //        0=blank  1=red  2=yellow  3=blue
  off0 = new Image();
  off0.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-black.gif";
  off1 = new Image();
  off1.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-1off.gif";
  off2 = new Image();
  off2.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-2off.gif";
  off3 = new Image();
  off3.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-3off.gif";
  on0 = new Image();
  on0.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-black.gif";
  on1 = new Image();
  on1.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-1on.gif";
  on2 = new Image();
  on2.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-2on.gif";
  on3 = new Image();
  on3.src = "game-javascript-casual-same-game-3on.gif";
  //        Declare the total score and the winner variable.
  total = 0;
  winner = 0;
  //        Bottom row array, used by the 
  //        findAdjacent2() function.
  bottom = new Array();
  n = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
  bottom[i] = n;
  n += 10;
  //        Top row array, used by the 
  //        findAdjacent2() function.
  head = new Array();
  n = 9;
  for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
  head[i] = n;
  n += 10;
  //        Main array, randomly seeds all
  //        coordinates with a number
  //        from 1-3.
  main = new Array();
  for (i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
  main[i] = random();
  //        The random number function. Change the
  //        ballCount variable to add more colors
  //        (which would make the game harder).
  //        If you do this you must preload more images.
  function random() {
  ballCount = 3;
  randomNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * ballCount));
  return randomNum;
  //        Uses findAdjacent() to find connected balls
  //        of the same color. Called on mouseover, changes
  //        the ball image to alert user of how many
  //        balls will be removed. 
  function onBall(numba) {
  if (main[numba] != 0) {
  crayon = main[numba];
  if (adj.length > 1) {
  for (n = 0; n < adj.length; n++) {
  document["img" + adj[n]].src = eval("on" + crayon + ".src"); = (adj.length-2)*(adj.length-2);
  //        Uses findAdjacent() to find connected balls
  //        of the same color. Turns off the alternate
  //        balls on mouseout.
  function offBall(numba) {
  if (main[numba] != 0) {
  crayon = main[numba];
  if (adj.length > 1) {
  for (n = 0; n < adj.length; n++) {
  document["img" + adj[n]].src = eval("off" + crayon + ".src"); = 0;
  //        Uses findAdjacent() to find connected balls
  //        of the same color. Removes selected balls by
  //        changing the value to 0, cleans up columns
  //        using slideBalls(), updates the game board
  //        with startUp(), adjusts the score, and checks
  //        to see if the game board is cleared with
  //        checkwinner() or if all the removable pieces
  //        are taken with checkLoser().
  function clickBall(numba) {
  if (main[numba] != 0) {
  if (adj.length > 1) {
  for (n=0; n<adj.length; n++) {
  main[adj[n]] = 0;
  total = (adj.length - 2) * (adj.length - 2) + total; = total; = 0;
  winTotal = total + 1000;
  if (checkWinner()) {
  //Allows you to write high scores to a file.
  //document.location = ("score.cgi?s=s&shots=" + winTotal)
  winner = 1;
  q = 0;
  if (q == 60 && winner == 0) {
  alert("Game Over!");
  //document.location = ("score.cgi?s=s&shots=" + total);
  //        Rolls through the remaining balls
  //        and checks to see if any more can
  //        be removed with smallAdjacent().
  //        If you set this function to check
  //        much higher than main[60] Netscape
  //        will give you a "too much recursion"
  //        error, so there is a small chance that
  //        this function will think the game is
  //        over before it really is.
  function checkLoser() {
  if (q == 60) {
  return true
  if (main[q] != 0) {
  if (smallAdjacent(q)) {
  return false;
  //        Checks to see if the game was won.
  //        Simply checks main[0], and if it
  //        equals 0 returns true
  function checkWinner() {
  if (main[0] == 0) {
  return true;
  //        A smaller faster version of
  //        findAdjacent2(). Runs through
  //        the balls until it finds the first
  //        set of adjacent balls. Used by
  //        checkLoser() to determine if the
  //        game is over.
  function smallAdjacent(numba) {
  isBottom = 0;
  isHead = 0;
  for (n = 0; n < 20; n++) {
  if (numba == head[n]) {
  isHead = 1;
  for (n = 0; n < 20; n++) {
  if (numba == bottom[n]) {
  isBottom = 1;
  if (main[numba + 1] == main[numba] && isHead != 1) {
  return true;
  if (main[numba + 10] == main[numba]) {
  return true;
  if (main[numba - 1] == main[numba] && isBottom != 1) {
  return true;
  if (main[numba - 10] == main[numba]) {
  return true;
  return false;
  //        Slides all non-0 balls down the column
  //        and places the zeroed balls at the top
  //        of each column.
  //        If all balls in a column are marked with
  //        a 0, all subsequent columns are moved left
  //        and the last column is zeroed out.
  function slideBalls() {
  change = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
  blankCount = 0;
  column = new Array();
  newColumn = new Array();
  for (c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
  column[c] = main[c + change];
  for (c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
  if (column[c] == 0) {
  newColumn[10-blankCount] = 0;
  else {
  newColumn[c - blankCount] = column[c];
  for (c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
  main[c + change] = newColumn[c];
  if (blankCount == 10) {
  for (c = change; c < 150; c++) {
  main[c] = main[c + 10];
  for (c = 140; c < 150; c++) {
  main[c] = 0;
  change -= 10;
  change += 10;
  //        Draws the balls on the game board based
  //        on the values of the "main" Array.
  //        0=blank  1=red  2=yellow  3=blue
  function startUp() { = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < main.length; i++) {
  crayon = main[i];
  document["img" + i].src = eval("off" + crayon + ".src");
  //        Take the ball which was clicked and
  //        finds all connected balls of the same
  //        color with findAdjacent2().
  function findAdjacent(numba) {
  adj = new Array();
  adj[0] = numba;
  i = 0;
  c = 0;
  //        Rolls through the "adj" Array and adds adjacent balls of
  //        the same color to the "adj" Array.
  //        Checks in this order: up, right, down, left
  //        up=+1  right=+10  down=-1  left=-10.
  //        isBottom and isHead checks to see if the ball
  //        in question is on the top row or the bottom row.
  //        If the ball in question is on the bottom row, the
  //        down(-1) check is disabled, if it is on the top row
  //        up(+1) is disabled.
  //        Uses isAdjacent() to check whether or not the ball
  //        in question is allready included in the "adj" Array.
  //        Does not add the ball to the array if isAdjacent() returns
  //        false.
  function findAdjacent2(numba) {
  isBottom = 0;
  isHead = 0;
  for (n = 0; n < 20; n++) {
  if (numba == head[n]) {
  isHead = 1;
  for (n = 0; n < 20; n++) {
  if (numba == bottom[n]) {
  isBottom = 1;
  if (main[numba+1] == main[numba] && isHead != 1 && isAdjacent(numba+1)) {
  adj[i] = numba + 1;
  if (main[numba+10] == main[numba] && isAdjacent(numba+10)) {
  adj[i] = numba + 10;
  if (main[numba-1] == main[numba] && isBottom != 1 && isAdjacent(numba-1)) {
  adj[i] = numba - 1;
  if (main[numba-10] == main[numba] && isAdjacent(numba-10)) {
  adj[i] = numba - 10;
  if (c == adj.length) {
  blah = 500;
  else {
  //        Rolls through the "adj" Array, if the ball
  //        in question is allready counted returns false.
  function isAdjacent(numba) {
  isAdj = 1
  for (n=0; n<adj.length; n++) {
  if (adj[n] == numba) {
  isAdj = 0
  if (isAdj == 1) {
  return true;
  else {
  return false;
  //  End -->
  <!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag  -->
  <BODY onLoad="startUp()">
  <!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->
  <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=black>
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
  <!-- Original:  Jason Fondren ( -->
  <!-- Web Site: -->
  <!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
  <!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->
  <!-- Begin
  //        Creates the blank game board.
  for (i = 9; i > -1; i--) {
  n = i;
  for (c = 0; c < 15; c++) {
  if (n < 10) {
  document.writeln('<td><a href=javascript:clickBall(' + n + ') onmouseover=onBall(' + n + ') onmouseout=offBall(' + n + ')><img src=game-javascript-casual-same-game-black.gif height=32 width=32 name=img' + n + ' border=0></a></td>');
  n = n+10;
  //  End -->
  <form name=scores>
  Total Score:<input type=text name=show size=10 value=0 onFocus="blur()">
  Click Score:<input type=text name=click size=10 value=0 onFocus="blur()">
  <font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
  by <a href="">The JavaScript Source</a></font>
  <!-- Script Size:  9.43 KB -->

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher. In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.