creative technology / new media
[_] readme workshop(s) project(s) CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 course(s) - creative exploration(s) / serious games / ethic(s) - resource(s) _ # @ !

talk show tell print

modern -- payoff(s) / challenge(s) / game(s) / math(s) / plan(s)

* _ .. -- @ media / idea(s) / change(s) / theme(s) ? [:/] _

education(s) question(s) moral(s) rethoric(s)

... the nucleus of language attracts activity, depriving it of its spontaneity, and transforming actions and skills into sign(s) and significations at the expense of adaptations ...

experiment knowledge illusion scratch engine craft maze run ar x

life(s) / closure(s) / reflect(s) / fight(s) / everyday life []

norm(s) utopia rule(s) ethic(s) answer(s) failure(s)

* - play / social(s) / machine(s) / method(s) / cycle(s) # ! @ Æ

[_] readme workshop(s) project(s) CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 course(s) - creative exploration(s) / serious games / ethic(s) - resource(s) _ # @ !

(C) Æliens 2014