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talk show tell print

I am dutch

Before I tell you my story, I have to explain something. I am Dutch. I can't help it. That's the way I was born. And raised. In other words, I am very Dutch. Even if I don't appear to be, at first sight.

Why do I write my story in English then, you may ask. Well, simply because all these months I have lived in English. Besides, I can use the exercise. The girl I married to was French, with an English speaking mother. We got on well, in English. Her accent was perfect, better than mine. And since I read and wrote Engish already most of the time, English was fine with me. Nevertheless, English is not my mother's tongue. I found out the hard way. I may have been too eager, too naive, to think I could warp into a different language zone. Is that why my life is in such a mess now?

[] readme preface one two three four five six seven eight nine ten afterthoughts resources

(C) Æliens 2005

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