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web3d-example-nsphere.vr (wrl ) [ flux / bitmanagement / cortona / octaga ]



     field SFInt32 latitudeLines
     field SFInt32 longitudeLines
     field SFFloat creaseAngle
  ] "@vr-web3d-example-nsphere-proto.wrl#Nsphere"


  Background { skyColor [.9 .9 .9] }
  NavigationInfo { type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"] }
  Viewpoint { 
     position 0 0 10.891
     orientation 0 0 1 0
     description "front"
  Viewpoint { 
     position 0.028 8.852 5.445
     orientation -1 0 0 1.036
     description "toppish"

instance 1

  Transform {
     translation -2.25 0 0
     children [
        Shape {
           appearance DEF A Appearance {
              material Material {}
              texture ImageTexture { url ["local/images/check.gif"] }
           geometry Nsphere { latitudeLines 5 longitudeLines 5 }

instance 2

  Transform {
     translation 0 0 0
     children [
        Shape {
           appearance USE A
           geometry Nsphere { latitudeLines 12 longitudeLines 8 }

instance 3

  Transform {
     translation 2.25 0 0
     children [
        Shape {
           appearance USE A
           geometry Nsphere { latitudeLines 32 longitudeLines 20 }

(C) A. Eliëns 21/5/2007

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher.
In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.