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Project: MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool File: - parse an RSS or Atom feed return as a simple object. Handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, and Atom 0.3 The lastest version of MagpieRSS can be obtained from: * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the Magpie mailing list:
author: Kellan Elliott-McCrea
version: 0.7a @license GPL

  define('RSS', 'RSS');
  define('ATOM', 'Atom');
  require_once (MAGPIE_DIR . '');
Hybrid parser, and object, takes RSS as a string and returns a simple object. see: for a simpler interface with integrated caching support

  class MagpieRSS {
      var parser;
      var current_item   = array();  // item currently being parsed
      var items          = array();  // collection of parsed items
      var channel        = array();  // hash of channel fields
      var textinput      = array();
      var image          = array();
      var feed_type;
      var feed_version;
      var encoding       = '';       // output encoding of parsed rss
      var _source_encoding = '';     // only set if we have to parse xml prolog
      var ERROR = "";
      var WARNING = "";
      // define some constants
      var _CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS = array('content', 'summary', 'info', 'title', 'tagline', 'copyright');
      var _KNOWN_ENCODINGS    = array('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1');
      // parser variables, useless if you're not a parser, treat as private
      var stack              = array(); // parser stack
      var inchannel          = false;
      var initem             = false;
      var incontent          = false; // if in Atom <content mode="xml"> field 
      var intextinput        = false;
      var inimage            = false;
      var current_namespace  = false;
Set up XML parser, parse source, and return populated RSS object..
parameter: string source string containing the RSS to be parsed NOTE: Probably a good idea to leave the encoding options alone unless you know what you're doing as PHP's character set support is a little weird. NOTE: A lot of this is unnecessary but harmless with PHP5
parameter: string output_encoding output the parsed RSS in this character set defaults to ISO-8859-1 as this is PHP's default. NOTE: might be changed to UTF-8 in future versions.
parameter: string input_encoding the character set of the incoming RSS source. Leave blank and Magpie will try to figure it out.
parameter: bool detect_encoding if false Magpie won't attempt to detect source encoding. (caveat emptor)

      function MagpieRSS (source, output_encoding='ISO-8859-1', 
                          input_encoding=null, detect_encoding=true) 
          # if PHP xml isn't compiled in, die
          if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) {
              this->error( "Failed to load PHP's XML Extension. " . 
                             E_USER_ERROR );
          list(parser, source) = this->create_parser(source, 
                  output_encoding, input_encoding, detect_encoding);
          if (!is_resource(parser)) {
              this->error( "Failed to create an instance of PHP's XML parser. " .
                            E_USER_ERROR );
          this->parser = parser;
          # pass in parser, and a reference to this object
          # setup handlers
          xml_set_object( this->parser, this );
                  'feed_start_element', 'feed_end_element' );
          xml_set_character_data_handler( this->parser, 'feed_cdata' ); 
          status = xml_parse( this->parser, source );
          if (! status ) {
              errorcode = xml_get_error_code( this->parser );
              if ( errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE ) {
                  xml_error = xml_error_string( errorcode );
                  error_line = xml_get_current_line_number(this->parser);
                  error_col = xml_get_current_column_number(this->parser);
                  errormsg = "xml_error at line error_line, column error_col";
                  this->error( errormsg );
          xml_parser_free( this->parser );
      function feed_start_element(p, element, &attrs) {
          el = element = strtolower(element);
          attrs = array_change_key_case(attrs, CASE_LOWER);
          // check for a namespace, and split if found
          ns = false;
          if ( strpos( element, ':' ) ) {
              list(ns, el) = split( ':', element, 2); 
          if ( ns and ns != 'rdf' ) {
              this->current_namespace = ns;
          # if feed type isn't set, then this is first element of feed
          # identify feed from root element
          if (!isset(this->feed_type) ) {
              if ( el == 'rdf' ) {
                  this->feed_type = RSS;
                  this->feed_version = '1.0';
              elseif ( el == 'rss' ) {
                  this->feed_type = RSS;
                  this->feed_version = attrs['version'];
              elseif ( el == 'feed' ) {
                  this->feed_type = ATOM;
                  this->feed_version = attrs['version'];
                  this->inchannel = true;
          if ( el == 'channel' ) 
              this->inchannel = true;
          elseif (el == 'item' or el == 'entry' ) 
              this->initem = true;
              if ( isset(attrs['rdf:about']) ) {
                  this->current_item['about'] = attrs['rdf:about']; 
          // if we're in the default namespace of an RSS feed,
          //  record textinput or image fields
          elseif ( 
              this->feed_type == RSS and 
              this->current_namespace == '' and 
              el == 'textinput' ) 
              this->intextinput = true;
          elseif (
              this->feed_type == RSS and 
              this->current_namespace == '' and 
              el == 'image' ) 
              this->inimage = true;
          # handle atom content constructs
          elseif ( this->feed_type == ATOM and in_array(el, this->_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS) )
              // avoid clashing w/ RSS mod_content
              if (el == 'content' ) {
                  el = 'atom_content';
              this->incontent = el;
          // if inside an Atom content construct (e.g. content or summary) field treat tags as text
          elseif (this->feed_type == ATOM and this->incontent ) 
              // if tags are inlined, then flatten
              attrs_str = join(' ', 
                      array_values(attrs) ) );
              this->append_content( "<element attrs_str>"  );
              array_unshift( this->stack, el );
          // Atom support many links per containging element.
          // Magpie treats link elements of type rel='alternate'
          // as being equivalent to RSS's simple link element.
          elseif (this->feed_type == ATOM and el == 'link' ) 
              if ( isset(attrs['rel']) and attrs['rel'] == 'alternate' ) 
                  link_el = 'link';
              else {
                  link_el = 'link_' . attrs['rel'];
              this->append(link_el, attrs['href']);
          // set stack[0] to current element
          else {
              array_unshift(this->stack, el);
      function feed_cdata (p, text) {
          if (this->feed_type == ATOM and this->incontent) 
              this->append_content( text );
          else {
              current_el = join('_', array_reverse(this->stack));
              this->append(current_el, text);
      function feed_end_element (p, el) {
          el = strtolower(el);
          if ( el == 'item' or el == 'entry' ) 
              this->items[] = this->current_item;
              this->current_item = array();
              this->initem = false;
          elseif (this->feed_type == RSS and this->current_namespace == '' and el == 'textinput' ) 
              this->intextinput = false;
          elseif (this->feed_type == RSS and this->current_namespace == '' and el == 'image' ) 
              this->inimage = false;
          elseif (this->feed_type == ATOM and in_array(el, this->_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS) )
              this->incontent = false;
          elseif (el == 'channel' or el == 'feed' ) 
              this->inchannel = false;
          elseif (this->feed_type == ATOM and this->incontent  ) {
              // balance tags properly
              // note:  i don't think this is actually neccessary
              if ( this->stack[0] == el ) 
              else {
                  this->append_content("<el />");
              array_shift( this->stack );
          else {
              array_shift( this->stack );
          this->current_namespace = false;
      function concat (&str1, str2="") {
          if (!isset(str1) ) {
          str1 .= str2;
      function append_content(text) {
          if ( this->initem ) {
              this->concat( this->current_item[ this->incontent ], text );
          elseif ( this->inchannel ) {
              this->concat( this->channel[ this->incontent ], text );
      // smart append - field and namespace aware
      function append(el, text) {
          if (!el) {
          if ( this->current_namespace ) 
              if ( this->initem ) {
                      this->current_item[ this->current_namespace ][ el ], text);
              elseif (this->inchannel) {
                      this->channel[ this->current_namespace][ el ], text );
              elseif (this->intextinput) {
                      this->textinput[ this->current_namespace][ el ], text );
              elseif (this->inimage) {
                      this->image[ this->current_namespace ][ el ], text );
          else {
              if ( this->initem ) {
                      this->current_item[ el ], text);
              elseif (this->intextinput) {
                      this->textinput[ el ], text );
              elseif (this->inimage) {
                      this->image[ el ], text );
              elseif (this->inchannel) {
                      this->channel[ el ], text );
      function normalize () {
          // if atom populate rss fields
          if ( this->is_atom() ) {
              this->channel['description'] = this->channel['tagline'];
              for ( i = 0; i < count(this->items); i++) {
                  item = this->items[i];
                  if ( isset(item['summary']) )
                      item['description'] = item['summary'];
                  if ( isset(item['atom_content']))
                      item['content']['encoded'] = item['atom_content'];
                  atom_date = (isset(item['issued']) ) ? item['issued'] : item['modified'];
                  if ( atom_date ) {
                      epoch = @parse_w3cdtf(atom_date);
                      if (epoch and epoch > 0) {
                          item['date_timestamp'] = epoch;
                  this->items[i] = item;
          elseif ( this->is_rss() ) {
              this->channel['tagline'] = this->channel['description'];
              for ( i = 0; i < count(this->items); i++) {
                  item = this->items[i];
                  if ( isset(item['description']))
                      item['summary'] = item['description'];
                  if ( isset(item['content']['encoded'] ) )
                      item['atom_content'] = item['content']['encoded'];
                  if ( this->is_rss() == '1.0' and isset(item['dc']['date']) ) {
                      epoch = @parse_w3cdtf(item['dc']['date']);
                      if (epoch and epoch > 0) {
                          item['date_timestamp'] = epoch;
                  elseif ( isset(item['pubdate']) ) {
                      epoch = @strtotime(item['pubdate']);
                      if (epoch > 0) {
                          item['date_timestamp'] = epoch;
                  this->items[i] = item;
      function is_rss () {
          if ( this->feed_type == RSS ) {
              return this->feed_version; 
          else {
              return false;
      function is_atom() {
          if ( this->feed_type == ATOM ) {
              return this->feed_version;
          else {
              return false;
return XML parser, and possibly re-encoded source

      function create_parser(source, out_enc, in_enc, detect) {
          if ( substr(phpversion(),0,1) == 5) {
              parser = this->php5_create_parser(in_enc, detect);
          else {
              list(parser, source) = this->php4_create_parser(source, in_enc, detect);
          if (out_enc) {
              this->encoding = out_enc;
              xml_parser_set_option(parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, out_enc);
          return array(parser, source);
Instantiate an XML parser under PHP5 PHP5 will do a fine job of detecting input encoding if passed an empty string as the encoding. All hail libxml2!

      function php5_create_parser(in_enc, detect) {
          // by default php5 does a fine job of detecting input encodings
          if(!detect && in_enc) {
              return xml_parser_create(in_enc);
          else {
              return xml_parser_create('');
Instaniate an XML parser under PHP4 Unfortunately PHP4's support for character encodings and especially XML and character encodings sucks. As long as the documents you parse only contain characters from the ISO-8859-1 character set (a superset of ASCII, and a subset of UTF-8) you're fine. However once you step out of that comfy little world things get mad, bad, and dangerous to know. The following code is based on SJM's work with FoF

      function php4_create_parser(source, in_enc, detect) {
          if ( !detect ) {
              return array(xml_parser_create(in_enc), source);
          if (!in_enc) {
              if (preg_match('/<?xml.*encoding=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>/m', source, m)) {
                  in_enc = strtoupper(m[1]);
                  this->source_encoding = in_enc;
              else {
                  in_enc = 'UTF-8';
          if (this->known_encoding(in_enc)) {
              return array(xml_parser_create(in_enc), source);
          // the dectected encoding is not one of the simple encodings PHP knows
          // attempt to use the iconv extension to
          // cast the XML to a known encoding
if (function_exists('iconv')) { encoded_source = iconv(in_enc,'UTF-8', source); if (encoded_source) { return array(xml_parser_create('UTF-8'), encoded_source); } } // iconv didn't work, try mb_convert_encoding //
if(function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { encoded_source = mb_convert_encoding(source, 'UTF-8', in_enc ); if (encoded_source) { return array(xml_parser_create('UTF-8'), encoded_source); } } // else this->error("Feed is in an unsupported character encoding. (in_enc) " . "You may see strange artifacts, and mangled characters.", E_USER_NOTICE); return array(xml_parser_create(), source); } function known_encoding(enc) { enc = strtoupper(enc); if ( in_array(enc, this->_KNOWN_ENCODINGS) ) { return enc; } else { return false; } } function error (errormsg, lvl=E_USER_WARNING) { // append PHP's error message if track_errors enabled if ( isset(php_errormsg) ) { errormsg .= " (php_errormsg)"; } if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) { trigger_error( errormsg, lvl); } else { error_log( errormsg, 0); } notices = E_USER_NOTICE|E_NOTICE; if ( lvl&notices ) { this->WARNING = errormsg; } else { this->ERROR = errormsg; } } } // end class RSS function map_attrs(k, v) { return "k=\"v\""; } // patch to support medieval versions of PHP4.1.x, // courtesy, Ryan Currie, if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case')) { define("CASE_UPPER",1); define("CASE_LOWER",0); function array_change_key_case(array,case=CASE_LOWER) { if (case=CASE_LOWER) cmd=strtolower; elseif (case=CASE_UPPER) cmd=strtoupper; foreach(array as key=>value) { output[cmd(key)]=value; } return output; } } ?>

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher. In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.