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  package aether.effects.adjustments {
          import aether.effects.ImageEffect;
          import aether.utils.Adjustments;
          import flash.display.BitmapData;
          public class @ax-graphic-flex-image-effects-07-source-aether-effects-adjustments-ContrastEffect extends ImageEffect {
                  private var _amount:Number;
                  public function @ax-graphic-flex-image-effects-07-source-aether-effects-adjustments-ContrastEffect(
                  ) {
                          init(blendMode, alpha);
                          _amount = amount;
                  override protected function applyEffect(bitmapData:BitmapData):void {
                          Adjustments.adjustContrast(bitmapData, _amount);

(C) Æliens 04/09/2009

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