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? / basic-visual-02-ShamosHoey.c

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // This program is complementary material for the book:
  // Frank Nielsen
  // Visual Computing: Geometry, Graphics, and Vision
  // ISBN: 1-58450-427-7
  // Charles River Media, Inc.
  // All programs are available at
  // You may use this program for ACADEMIC and PERSONAL purposes ONLY. 
  // The use of this program in a commercial product requires EXPLICITLY
  // written permission from the author. The author is NOT responsible or 
  // liable for damage or loss that may be caused by the use of this program. 
  // Copyright (c) 2005. Frank Nielsen. All rights reserved.
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // File: ShamosHoey.cpp
  // Description: Detect whether a set of line segments intersect or not
  // Implement in a STL fashion a simple but optimal algorithm 
  // to detect whether there exists an intersection point among a set of n segments in O(n log n) time
  // Michael I. Shamos and Dan Hoey. 
  // "Geometric intersection problems" (FOCS 1976)
  // In 17th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
  // pages 208-215, Houston, Texas, 25-27 October 1976. IEEE. 
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  include <stdafx.h>
  include <vector>
  include <algorithm>
  include <windows.h>
  include <GL/gl.h>
  include <GL/glut.h>
  define W 900
  define H 900
  using namespace std;
  enum type {LEFT, RIGHT};
  class point {
  double x,y;
  int n;
  type endpoint;
  // Lexicographic order on the x-coordinate
  bool operator <  ( const point & rhs)
  {return (x<rhs.x);}
  bool operator >  (const point & rhs)
  {return (x>rhs.x);}
  class segment {
  point A,B;
  class Yline {
  static double x;
  double a,b; // equation of nonvertical line y=ax+b
  int n;
  void setX(double xx) {x=xx;}
  bool operator <  ( const Yline &  rhs)
  //        cout <<"\t\tGeneric dictionary (inferior): "<<x<<endl;
          return (a*x+b<rhs.a*x+rhs.b);
  bool operator >  ( const Yline &  rhs)
  //        cout <<"\t\tGeneric dictionary (inferior): "<<x<<endl;
          return (a*x+b>rhs.a*x+rhs.b);
  bool operator ==  ( const Yline &  rhs)
  //        cout <<"\t\tGeneric dictionary (inferior): "<<x<<endl;
          return (a*x+b == rhs.a*x+rhs.b);}
  double Yline::x;
  bool intersection=false;
  // Orientation test: 2x2 determinant sign
  define ERR 1.0e-6
  define CCW 1
  define ON 0
  define CW -1
  int Orient2D( const point& p, const point& q, const point& r)
            if ((q.x-p.x)*(r.y-p.y) > (r.x-p.x)*(q.y-p.y)+ERR) return CCW;
             if ((q.x-p.x)*(r.y-p.y) < (r.x-p.x)*(q.y-p.y)-ERR) return CW;
     return ON;
    bool SegmentIntersect(segment s1, segment s2)
                  if (Orient2D(s1.A,s1.B,s2.A)==Orient2D(s1.A,s1.B,s2.B)) return false;
                  if (Orient2D(s2.A,s2.B,s1.A)==Orient2D(s2.A,s2.B,s1.B)) return false;
                  return true;
  // Return a random number in [0,1]
  inline double randd()
                  return (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
  // Line equation + segment number
  void SegmentToYevent(segment S, int nn, Yline& eventp)
          eventp.a=(S.B.y-S.A.y)/(S.B.x-S.A.x); //slope
          eventp.b=S.A.y-eventp.a*S.A.x; // y=ax+b
  int Intersect()
  cout << "Some pair of segments intersect"<<endl;
  return 1;
-------- Global variables for animation purposes int n=10; int ibelow, iabove, ime; point P1,P2; vector<point> T; vector<point>::iterator event; vector<Yline> Yorder; vector<Yline>::iterator pos, below, above; Yline yevent; segment *seg; double ycoord; int inter1,inter2; static nbstep=0; void disp() { int i; char buffer[256]; vector<Yline>::iterator yo; glClearColor(1,1,1,0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f(0,0,1); glPointSize(2); // Draw the line segments glBegin(GL_LINES); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { glVertex2f(seg[i].A.x,seg[i].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[i].B.x,seg[i].B.y); } glEnd(); glColor3f(0,0,0); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { glRasterPos2f((seg[i].A.x+seg[i].B.x)/2.0,(seg[i].A.y+seg[i].B.y)/2.0); sprintf(buffer,"%3d",i); for(int ii=0;buffer[ii]!=0;ii++) glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24, buffer[ii]); } // Draw the line segment endpoints glColor3f(0,1,0); glPointSize(4); glBegin(GL_POINTS); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { glVertex2f(seg[i].A.x,seg[i].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[i].B.x,seg[i].B.y); } glEnd(); if ((*event).x<=1.0) { glColor3f(1,0,0); //cout<<"X-coord sweep line:"<<(*event).x<<endl; //Draw the sweep line and the above/below line query glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f((*event).x,0); glVertex2f((*event).x,1); glVertex2f(0,(*event).y); glVertex2f(1,(*event).y); glEnd(); // Draw the segment traces on the sweep line glPointSize(15.0); glColor3f(0,0,0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); cout<<"Order on the sweep line:"; for(yo=Yorder.begin();yo!=Yorder.end();yo++) { ycoord=(*yo).a*(*event).x+(*yo).b; glVertex2f((*event).x,ycoord); cout<<(*yo).n<<" "; } cout<<endl; glEnd(); glLineWidth(3); glColor3f(0.3,0.3,0.3); if (iabove>-1) { glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(seg[iabove].A.x,seg[iabove].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[iabove].B.x,seg[iabove].B.y); glEnd(); } if (ibelow>-1) { glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(seg[ibelow].A.x,seg[ibelow].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[ibelow].B.x,seg[ibelow].B.y); glEnd(); } glLineWidth(1); if (ime>-1) { glColor3f(0,1,0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(seg[ime].A.x,seg[ime].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[ime].B.x,seg[ime].B.y); glEnd(); } if (intersection) { glColor3f(1,0,0); glRasterPos2f(0.1,0.9); sprintf(buffer,"Detected a pair of intersecting line segments! Press 'r' for another set"); for(int ii=0;buffer[ii]!=0;ii++) glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24, buffer[ii]); glColor3f(1,0,0); glLineWidth(5); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(seg[inter1].A.x,seg[inter1].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[inter1].B.x,seg[inter1].B.y); glVertex2f(seg[inter2].A.x,seg[inter2].A.y); glVertex2f(seg[inter2].B.x,seg[inter2].B.y); glEnd(); glLineWidth(1); } if (nbstep>=2*n) { glColor3f(1,0,0); glRasterPos2f(0.01,0.9); sprintf(buffer,"I have not detected any pair of intersecting segments ! Press 'r' for another set"); for(int ii=0;buffer[ii]!=0;ii++) glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24, buffer[ii]); } } glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); } void HandleEvent(); void InitializeSegments(); void key(unsigned char key , int x , int y) { if (key=='r') { intersection=false; nbstep=0; InitializeSegments(); disp(); } else{ if (!intersection){ nbstep++; if (nbstep<2*n) { event++; cout << "Number of segments crossing the Y sweep line:" << (unsigned int)Yorder.size() << endl; HandleEvent(); } } // Refresh the animation disp(); } } void SeekBelowAbove() { iabove=ibelow=-1; for(int i=0;i<Yorder.size();i++) { if (Yorder[i]<yevent) { if (ibelow==-1) ibelow=i; else if (Yorder[i]>Yorder[ibelow]) ibelow=i; } if (Yorder[i]>yevent) { if (iabove==-1) iabove=i; else if (Yorder[i]<Yorder[iabove]) iabove=i; } } if (iabove!=-1) iabove=Yorder[iabove].n; if (ibelow!=-1) ibelow=Yorder[ibelow].n; cout<<"Above:"<<iabove<<" Below;"<<ibelow<<endl; } // // Handle a combinatorial event here // void HandleEvent() { ime=(*event).n; SegmentToYevent(seg[(*event).n],(*event).n, yevent); // we set the sweep line here for the generic dictionary yevent.setX((*event).x); switch((*event).endpoint) { // segment (*event).n is combinatorial event case LEFT: // Left endpoint cout<<"Insert segment number "<<ime<<endl; if (Yorder.size()>0) { below=Yorder.begin(); while( (below!=Yorder.end()) && ((*below)<yevent) ) below++; Yorder.insert(below,yevent); } else Yorder.insert(Yorder.begin(),yevent); SeekBelowAbove(); if (ibelow!=-1) if (SegmentIntersect(seg[ime],seg[ibelow])) {cout<<"segments "<<ime<<" and "<<ibelow<<" intersect."<<endl; inter1=ime; inter2=ibelow;} if (iabove!=-1) if (SegmentIntersect(seg[ime],seg[iabove])) {cout<<"segments "<<ime<<" and "<<iabove<<" intersect."<<endl; inter1=ime;inter2=iabove;} break; case RIGHT: // Right endpoint cout<<"Remove segment number "<<ime<<endl; below=Yorder.begin(); while((*below)<yevent) below++; Yorder.erase(below); SeekBelowAbove(); if ((ibelow!=-1)&&(iabove!=-1)) if (SegmentIntersect(seg[iabove],seg[ibelow])) {cout<<"segments "<<iabove<<" and "<<ibelow<<" intersect."<<endl; inter1=iabove;inter2=ibelow;} break; } } // Main program interface void InitializeSegments() {int i; double length=0.30; cout<<"Create randomly "<<n<<" line segments."<<endl; T.clear(); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { redraw: P1.x=randd();P1.y=randd();P1.n=i; P2.x=randd();P2.y=randd();P2.n=i; if ((P1.x-P2.x)*(P1.x-P2.x)+(P1.y-P2.y)*(P1.y-P2.y)>length*length) goto redraw; if (P1.x<P2.x) {P1.endpoint=LEFT; P2.endpoint=RIGHT; seg[i].A=P1; seg[i].B=P2;} if (P1.x>P2.x) {P1.endpoint=RIGHT; P2.endpoint=LEFT; seg[i].A=P2; seg[i].B=P1;} T.push_back(P1); T.push_back(P2); } cout<<"Sort the x-coordinates of segment endpoints."<<endl; sort(T.begin(),T.end()); Yorder.clear(); iabove=ibelow=-1; event=T.begin(); HandleEvent(); } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout<<"Visual Computing: Geometry, Graphics, and Vision (ISBN:1-58450-427-7)"<<endl; cout<<"Demo program\n\n"<<endl; cout<<"Press 'r' key to draw another line segment set."<<endl; srand(2005); seg=new segment[n]; InitializeSegments(); glutInit(&argc , argv); glutInitWindowPosition(50,50); glutInitWindowSize(W,H); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGBA); glutCreateWindow("Line segment intersection detection algorithm (Sweep line algorithm)."); glutDisplayFunc(disp); srand(2005); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0,1,0,1,-1,1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glutKeyboardFunc(key); glutMainLoop(); cout<<"Press Return key"<<endl; char line[100]; gets(line); return 0; }

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(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher. In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.
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