topical media & game development

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basic-regex-23-SplitDate.php / php

  <title>Splitting a date using ereg()</title>
  myPattern = '([12][0-9]{3}) ([01][0-9]) ([0123][0-9])';
  testString = gmdate("Y m d");
  echo "<p>The date is now: testString</p>";
  myResult = ereg(myPattern, testString, matches);
  if (myResult)
  echo "<p>A match was found when testing case sensitively.</p>";
  echo "<p>Expressed in MM/DD/YYYY format the date is now, matches[2]/matches[3]/matches[1].</p>";
  echo "<p>No match was found when testing case sensitively.</p>";

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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