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? / basic-program-solutions-16-Ch16-Soln-3-SketcherView.c

  // SketcherView.cpp : implementation of the CSketcherView class
  include <stdafx.h>
  include <Sketcher.h>
  include <SketcherDoc.h>
  include <Elements.h>
  include <SketcherView.h>
  include <ChildFrm.h>
  include <ScaleDialog.h>
  include <TextDialog.h>
  ifdef _DEBUG
  define new DEBUG_NEW
  // CSketcherView
  IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSketcherView, CScrollView)
  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSketcherView, CScrollView)
          // Standard printing commands
          ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT, &CView::OnFilePrint)
          ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT, &CView::OnFilePrint)
          ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW, &CView::OnFilePrintPreview)
    ON_COMMAND(ID_ELEMENT_MOVE, &CSketcherView::OnElementMove)
    ON_COMMAND(ID_ELEMENT_DELETE, &CSketcherView::OnElementDelete)
    ON_COMMAND(ID_ELEMENT_SENDTOBACK, &CSketcherView::OnElementSendtoback)
    ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_SCALE, &CSketcherView::OnViewScale)
  // CSketcherView construction/destruction
  : m_FirstPoint(0,0)
  , m_SecondPoint(0,0)
  , m_pTempElement(NULL)
  , m_pSelected(NULL)
  , m_MoveMode(FALSE)
  , m_CursorPos(CPoint(0,0))
  , m_FirstPos(CPoint(0,0))
     SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, CSize(0,0));     // Set arbitrary scrollers
  BOOL CSketcherView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
          //  the CREATESTRUCT cs
          return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs);
  // CSketcherView drawing
  void CSketcherView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
    CSketcherDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
    POSITION aPos = pDoc->GetListHeadPosition();
    CElement* pElement = 0;              // Store for an element pointer
    while(aPos)                          // Loop while aPos is not null
      pElement = pDoc->GetNext(aPos);    // Get the current element pointer
      // If the element is visible...
        pElement->Draw(pDC, m_pSelected);// ...draw it
  // CSketcherView printing
  BOOL CSketcherView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
          // default preparation
          return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo);
  void CSketcherView::OnBeginPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/)
          // TODO: add extra initialization before printing
  void CSketcherView::OnEndPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/)
          // TODO: add cleanup after printing
  // CSketcherView diagnostics
  ifdef _DEBUG
  void CSketcherView::AssertValid() const
  void CSketcherView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
  CSketcherDoc* CSketcherView::GetDocument() const // non-debug version is inline
          return (CSketcherDoc*)m_pDocument;
  endif //_DEBUG
  // CSketcherView message handlers
  void CSketcherView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
     if(this == GetCapture())
        ReleaseCapture();                // Stop capturing mouse messages
     // If there is an element, add it to the document
        GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(0,0,m_pTempElement);  // Tell all the views
        m_pTempElement = 0;              // Reset the element pointer
  void CSketcherView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
    CClientDC aDC(this);           // Create a device context
    OnPrepareDC(&aDC);             // Get origin adjusted
    aDC.DPtoLP(&point);            // convert point to Logical
    // In moving mode, so drop the element
      m_MoveMode = FALSE;                // Kill move mode
      m_pSelected = 0;                   // De-select element
      GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(0);  // Redraw all the views
      CSketcherDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();// Get a document pointer
      if(pDoc->GetElementType() == TEXT)
        CTextDialog aDlg;
        if(aDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
          // Exit OK so create a text element 
          CSketcherDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
          CSize TextExtent = aDC.GetTextExtent(aDlg.m_TextString);
          // Get bottom right of text rectangle - MM_LOENGLISH
          CPoint BottomRt(,;
          CText* pTextElement = new CText(point, BottomRt,
                                aDlg.m_TextString, pDoc->GetElementColor());
          // Add the element to the document
          // Get all views updated
       m_FirstPoint = point;             // Record the cursor position
       SetCapture();                     // Capture subsequent mouse messages
  void CSketcherView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
    // Define a Device Context object for the view
    CClientDC aDC(this);                // DC is for this view
    OnPrepareDC(&aDC);                  // Get origin adjusted
      // If we are in move mode, move the selected element and return
      aDC.DPtoLP(&point);                // Convert to logical coordinatess
      MoveElement(aDC, point);           // Move the element
    aDC.SetROP2(R2_NOTXORPEN);          // Set the drawing mode
    if((nFlags&MK_LBUTTON)  && (this==GetCapture()))
      aDC.DPtoLP(&point);              // convert point to Logical
      m_SecondPoint = point;           // Save the current cursor position
        if(CURVE == GetDocument()->GetElementType())   // Is it a curve?
        {  // We are drawing a curve
           // so add a segment to the existing curve
           m_pTempElement->Draw(&aDC);   // Now draw it
           return;                       // We are done
        aDC.SetROP2(R2_NOTXORPEN);       // Set drawing mode
        // Redraw the old element so it disappears from the view
        delete m_pTempElement;           // Delete the old element
        m_pTempElement = 0;              // Reset the pointer to 0
      // Create a temporary element of the type and color that
      // is recorded in the document object, and draw it
      m_pTempElement = CreateElement();  // Create a new element
      m_pTempElement->Draw(&aDC);        // Draw the element
    { // We are not drawing an element so do highlighting...
      CSketcherDoc* pDoc=GetDocument();  // Get a pointer to the document
      CElement* pElement = 0;            // Store an element pointer
      CRect aRect(0,0,0,0);              // Store a rectangle
      POSITION aPos = pDoc->GetListHeadPosition();  // Get first element posn
      CElement* pOldSelection = m_pSelected;        // Save old selected element
      m_pSelected = 0;
      while(aPos)                        // Iterate through the list
        pElement = pDoc->GetNext(aPos);
        aRect = pElement->GetBoundRect();
        // Select the first element that appears under the cursor
          m_pSelected = pElement;
      if(m_pSelected == pOldSelection)   // If new selection is same as old       
        return;                          // we are done
      // Unhighlight old selection if there is one
      if(pOldSelection != 0)             // Verify there is one
        aRect = pOldSelection->GetBoundRect();
        aDC.LPtoDP(aRect);               // Convert to device coords
        aRect.NormalizeRect();           // Normalize
        InvalidateRect(aRect, FALSE);    // Invalidate area
      // Highlight new selection if there is one
      if(m_pSelected != 0)               // Verify there is one
        aRect = m_pSelected->GetBoundRect();
        aDC.LPtoDP(aRect);               // Convert to device coords
        aRect.NormalizeRect();           // Normalize
        InvalidateRect(aRect, FALSE);    // Invalidate area
  // Create a new element on the heap
  CElement* CSketcherView::CreateElement(void)
     // Get a pointer to the document for this view
     CSketcherDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
     ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);                 // Verify the pointer is good
     // Now select the element using the type stored in the document
        case RECTANGLE:
           return new CRectangle(m_FirstPoint, m_SecondPoint,
                                         pDoc->GetElementColor(), pDoc->GetPenWidth());
        case CIRCLE:
           return new CCircle(m_FirstPoint, m_SecondPoint,
                                         pDoc->GetElementColor(), pDoc->GetPenWidth());
        case CURVE:
           return new CCurve(m_FirstPoint, m_SecondPoint, 
                                         pDoc->GetElementColor(), pDoc->GetPenWidth());
        case LINE:
           return new CLine(m_FirstPoint, m_SecondPoint,
                                         pDoc->GetElementColor(), pDoc->GetPenWidth());
           // Something's gone wrong
           AfxMessageBox(_T("Bad Element code"), MB_OK);
           return NULL;
  void CSketcherView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint)
     // Invalidate the area corresponding to the element pointed to
     // if there is one, otherwise invalidate the whole client area 
        CClientDC aDC(this);            // Create a device context
        OnPrepareDC(&aDC);              // Get origin adjusted
        // Get the enclosing rectangle and convert to client coordinates
        CRect aRect=((CElement*)pHint)->GetBoundRect();
        InvalidateRect(aRect);          // Get the area redrawn
        InvalidateRect(0);              // Invalidate the client area
  void CSketcherView::OnInitialUpdate()
    ResetScrollSizes();                  // Set up the scrollbars
  void CSketcherView::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point)
     CMenu menu;
     // Set check marks if it's the no element menu
     if(m_pSelected == 0)
        // Check color menu items
        COLORREF Color = GetDocument()->GetElementColor();
        // Check element menu items
        unsigned int ElementType = GetDocument()->GetElementType();
     CMenu* pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(m_pSelected == 0 ? 1 : 0);
     ASSERT(pPopup != NULL);
     pPopup->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, this);
  void CSketcherView::OnElementMove()
     CClientDC aDC(this);
     OnPrepareDC(&aDC);              // Set up the device context
     GetCursorPos(&m_CursorPos);     // Get cursor position in screen coords
     ScreenToClient(&m_CursorPos);   // Convert to client coords
     aDC.DPtoLP(&m_CursorPos);       // Convert to logical
     m_FirstPos = m_CursorPos;       // Remember first position
     m_MoveMode = TRUE;              // Start move mode
  void CSketcherView::OnElementDelete()
      CSketcherDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();// Get the document pointer
      pDoc->DeleteElement(m_pSelected);  // Delete the element
      pDoc->UpdateAllViews(0);           // Redraw all the views
      m_pSelected = 0;                   // Reset selected element ptr
  void CSketcherView::MoveElement(CClientDC& aDC, CPoint& point)
    CSize Distance = point - m_CursorPos;  // Get move distance
    m_CursorPos = point;                   // Set current point as 1st for next time
    // If there is an element, selected, move it
      m_pSelected->Draw(&aDC,m_pSelected); // Draw the element to erase it
      m_pSelected->Move(Distance);         // Now move the element
      m_pSelected->Draw(&aDC,m_pSelected); // Draw the moved element
  void CSketcherView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
       // In moving mode, so drop element back in original position
       CClientDC aDC(this);
       OnPrepareDC(&aDC);                // Get origin adjusted
       MoveElement(aDC, m_FirstPos);     // Move element to orig position
       m_MoveMode = FALSE;               // Kill move mode
       m_pSelected = 0;                  // De-select element
       GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews(0); // Redraw all the views
       return;                           // We are done
    //CScrollView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
  void CSketcherView::OnElementSendtoback()
    GetDocument()->SendToBack(m_pSelected);   // Move element in list
  void CSketcherView::OnViewScale()
    CScaleDialog aDlg;                   // Create a dialog object
    aDlg.m_Scale = m_Scale;              // Pass the view scale to the dialog
    if(aDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
      m_Scale = 1 + aDlg.m_Scale;        // Get the new scale
      // Get the frame that wraps this view
      CChildFrame* childFrame = static_cast<CChildFrame*>(GetParentFrame());
      // Build the message string
      CString StatusMsg("View Scale:");
      StatusMsg += static_cast<char>('1' + m_Scale - 1);
      // Set the status bar  
      childFrame->m_StatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl().SetText(StatusMsg, 0, 0);
      ResetScrollSizes();                // Adjust scrolling to the new scale
      InvalidateRect(0);                 // Invalidate the whole window 
  void CSketcherView::OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo)
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    CScrollView::OnPrepareDC(pDC, pInfo);
    CSketcherDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
    pDC->SetMapMode(MM_ANISOTROPIC);     // Set the map mode
    CSize DocSize = pDoc->GetDocSize();  // Get the document size
    // y extent must be negative because we want MM_LOENGLISH =;            // Change sign of y
    pDC->SetWindowExt(DocSize);          // Now set the window extent
    // Get the number of pixels per inch in x and y
    int xLogPixels = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX);
    int yLogPixels = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY);
    // Calculate the viewport extent in x and y
    long xExtent = static_cast<long>(*m_Scale*xLogPixels/100L;
    long yExtent = static_cast <long>(*m_Scale*yLogPixels/100L;
                        static_cast<int>(-yExtent)); // Set viewport extent
  void CSketcherView::ResetScrollSizes(void)
    CClientDC aDC(this);
    OnPrepareDC(&aDC);                             // Set up the device context
    CSize DocSize = GetDocument()->GetDocSize();   // Get the document size
    aDC.LPtoDP(&DocSize);                          // Get the size in pixels
    SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, DocSize);              // Set up the scrollbars

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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