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? / basic-program-solutions-08-Soln8-7.c

  // Ex8_7.cpp : main project file.
  // A CLR calculator supporting parentheses
  include <stdafx.h>
  using namespace System;
  ref class Box
       Box(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
     Box(double lv, double wv, double hv)
       lv = lv <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : lv;           // Ensure positive
       wv = wv <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : wv;           // dimensions for
       hv = hv <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : hv;           // the object
       lngth = lv>wv ? lv : wv;          // Ensure that
       wdth = wv<lv ? wv : lv;           // length >= width
       hght = hv;
      double Volume() 
        return lngth*wdth*hght;
     property double height
       double get() { return hght; }
      property double width
       double get() { return wdth; }
       property double length
       double get() { return lngth; }
      // Overloaded addition operator
      Box^ operator+(Box^ box)
      // New object has larger length and width of the two,
      // and sum of the two heights
      return gcnew Box(lngth > box->lngth ? lngth : box->lngth,
                       wdth > box->wdth ? wdth : box->wdth,
                       hght + box->hght);
      // Divide one box into another
      int operator/(Box^ box)
      // Temporary for number in horizontal plane this way
      int tc1 = 0;
      // Temporary for number in a plane that way
      int tc2 = 0;
      tc1 = safe_cast<int>(lngth/box->lngth)*
               safe_cast<int>(wdth/box->wdth);          // to fit this way
      tc2 = safe_cast<int>(lngth/box->wdth)*
               safe_cast<int>(wdth/box->lngth);  // and that way
      //Return best fit
      return static_cast<int>(hght/box->hght)*(tc1>tc2 ? tc1 : tc2);
      // Post-multiply a box by an integer
      Box^ operator*(int n)
        if(n%2 == 0)
          return gcnew Box(lngth, 2.0*wdth, (n/2)*hght);   // n even
          return gcnew Box(lngth, wdth, n*hght);           // n odd
      // Operator to return the free volume in a packed Box
      double operator%(Box^ box)
      { return Volume() - (this/box)*box->Volume(); }
      // Function for testing if a Box object is >= a constant
      bool operator>=(double value)
      { return value <= this; }
      // Function for testing if a Box object is <= a constant
      bool operator<=(double value)
      { return value >= this; }
      // Function for testing if a constant is > a Box object
      static bool operator>(double value, Box^ box)
      { return value > box->Volume(); }
      // Function for testing if a constant is < Box object
      static bool operator<(double value, Box^ box)
      { return value < box->Volume(); }
      // Function for testing if a Box object is > a constant
      static bool operator>(Box^ box, double value)
      { return value < box; }
      // Function for testing if a Box object is < a constant
      static bool operator<(Box^ box, double value)
      { return value > box; }
      // Function for testing if a constant is >= a Box object
      static bool operator>=(double value, Box^ box)
      { return value >= box->Volume(); }
      // Function for testing if a constant is <= a Box object
      static bool operator<=(double value, Box^ box)
      { return value <= box->Volume(); }
      // Function for testing if a constant is == Box object
      static bool operator==(double value, Box^ box)
      { return value == box->Volume(); }
      // Function for testing if Box object is == a constant
      static bool operator==(Box^ box, double value)
      { return value == box; }
      // CBox multiply operator n*aBox
      static Box^ operator*(int n, Box^ box)
      { return box*n; }
     double lngth;             // Length of a box in inches
     double wdth;              // Width of a box in inches
     double hght;              // Height of a box in inches
  int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
     Box^ candy = gcnew Box(1.5, 1.0, 1.0);             // Candy definition
     Box^ candyBox = gcnew Box(7.0, 4.5, 2.0);          // Candy box definition
     Box^ carton = gcnew Box(30.0, 18.0, 18.0);         // Carton definition
     // Calculate candies per candy box
     int numCandies = candyBox/candy;
     // Calculate candy boxes per carton
     int numCboxes = carton/candyBox;
     // Calculate wasted carton space
     double space = carton\%candyBox;
     Console::WriteLine(L"There are {0} candies per candy box", numCandies);
     Console::WriteLine(L"For the standard boxes there are {0} candy boxes per carton", numCboxes);
     Console::WriteLine(L"with {0} cubic inches wasted.", space);
     Console::Write(L"CUSTOM CANDY BOX ANALYSIS (No Waste)");
     // Try the whole range of custom candy boxes
     for(double length = 3.0 ; length <= 7.5 ; length += 0.5)
        for(double width = 3.0 ; width <= 5.0 ; width += 0.5)
           for(double height = 1.0 ; height <= 2.5 ; height += 0.5)
              // Create new box each cycle
              Box^ tryBox = gcnew Box(length, width, height);
              if(carton\%tryBox < tryBox->Volume() &&
                                 tryBox % candy == 0.0 && tryBox/candy >= 30)
                 Console::Write(L"\n\nTrial Box L = {0}", tryBox->length);
                 Console::WriteLine(L" W = {0} H = {1}", tryBox->width, tryBox->height);
                 Console::Write(L"Trial Box contains {0} candies", tryBox/candy);
                 Console::WriteLine(L" and a carton contains {0} candy boxes.", carton/tryBox);
     return 0;

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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