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? / basic-program-code-08-Ex8-06.c

  // Ex8_06.cpp
  // Adding CBox objects
  include <iostream>                    // For stream I/O
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  class CBox                             // Class definition at global scope
      // Constructor definition
      CBox(double lv = 1.0, double wv = 1.0, double hv = 1.0): m_Height(hv)
        m_Length = lv > wv? lv: wv;      // Ensure that 
        m_Width = wv < lv? wv: lv;       // length >= width
      // Function to calculate the volume of a box
      double Volume() const
        return m_Length*m_Width*m_Height;
      // Operator function for 'greater than' which
      // compares volumes of CBox objects.
      int CBox::operator>(const CBox& aBox) const
        return this->Volume() > aBox.Volume();
      // Function to compare a CBox object with a constant
      int operator>(const double& value) const
        return Volume() > value;
      // Function to add two CBox objects
      CBox operator+(const CBox& aBox) const
        // New object has larger length & width, and sum of heights
        return CBox(m_Length > aBox.m_Length? m_Length:aBox.m_Length,
                    m_Width > aBox.m_Width? m_Width:aBox.m_Width,
                    m_Height + aBox.m_Height);
      // Function to show the dimensions of a box
      void ShowBox() const
        cout << m_Length << " " 
             << m_Width  << " " 
             << m_Height << endl;
      double m_Length;                   // Length of a box in inches
      double m_Width;                    // Width of a box in inches
      double m_Height;                   // Height of a box in inches
  int operator>(const double& value, const CBox& aBox); // Function prototype
  int main()
    CBox smallBox(4.0, 2.0, 1.0);
    CBox mediumBox(10.0, 4.0, 2.0);
    CBox aBox;
    CBox bBox;
    aBox = smallBox + mediumBox;
    cout << "aBox dimensions are ";
    bBox = aBox + smallBox + mediumBox;
    cout << "bBox dimensions are ";
    return 0;
  // Function comparing a constant with a CBox object
  int operator>(const double& value, const CBox& aBox)
    return value > aBox.Volume();

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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