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basic-php-09-snippet05.php / php

  //create your error handler function
  function handler(error_type, 
                   error_line) {
    switch (error_type) {
      //fatal error
      case E_ERROR:
        echo "<h1>Fatal Error</h1>";
        die("A fatal error has occured at line error_line of file " .
            "error_file.<br>" .
            "Error message created was &quot;error_message&quot;");
      case E_WARNING:
        echo "<h1>Warning</h1>";
        echo "A warning has occured at line error_line of file " .
        echo " Error message created was &quot;error_message&quot;";
      case E_NOTICE:
        //don't show notice errors
  //set the error handler to be used
  //set string with "Wrox" spelled wrong
  string_variable = "Worx books are great!";
  //try to use str_replace to replace Worx with Wrox
  //this will generate an E_WARNING
  //because of wrong parameter count
  str_replace("Worx", "Wrox");

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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