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basic-javascript-07-complex-frameset-page.htm / htm

  <title>The complex frameset page</title>
  <script language="JavaScript"  type="text/javascript">
  var pagesVisited = new Array();
  function returnPagesVisited()
     var returnValue = "So far you have visited the following pages\n";
     var pageVisitedIndex;
     var numberOfPagesVisited = pagesVisited.length;
     for (pageVisitedIndex = 0; pageVisitedIndex < numberOfPagesVisited;
        returnValue = returnValue + pagesVisited[pageVisitedIndex] + "\n";
     return returnValue;
  function addPage(fileName)
     var fileNameStart = fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
     fileName = fileName.substr(fileNameStart);
     pagesVisited[pagesVisited.length] = fileName;
   return true;
  <frameset cols="200,*">
     <frame name=fraMenu src="menu_page.htm">
     <frame name=fraMain src="main_page.htm">

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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