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          import flash.geom.Matrix;
Supports simple matrix transformations: scaling, translation, rotation, and skewing.

          public class @ax-actionscript-book-DisplayObjectTransformer-com-example-programmingas3-geometry-MatrixTransformer
Calls the appropriate method of the @ax-actionscript-book-DisplayObjectTransformer-com-example-programmingas3-geometry-MatrixTransformer class, based on the radio buttons selected. Then updates the transformation matrix based on the results of the method. Runs the same transformation matrix through successive transformations and then applies the matrix to the image at the very end, which is more efficient than applying after each individual transformation.

                  public static function transform(sourceMatrix:Matrix, 
              // skew:
                      sourceMatrix = @ax-actionscript-book-DisplayObjectTransformer-com-example-programmingas3-geometry-MatrixTransformer.skew(sourceMatrix, skew, skewType);
                      // scale:
                          sourceMatrix = @ax-actionscript-book-DisplayObjectTransformer-com-example-programmingas3-geometry-MatrixTransformer.scale(sourceMatrix, xScale, yScale);
                          // translate:
                          sourceMatrix = @ax-actionscript-book-DisplayObjectTransformer-com-example-programmingas3-geometry-MatrixTransformer.translate(sourceMatrix, dx, dy);
                          // rotate:
                          sourceMatrix = @ax-actionscript-book-DisplayObjectTransformer-com-example-programmingas3-geometry-MatrixTransformer.rotate(sourceMatrix, rotation, "degrees");
                          return sourceMatrix;
Scales a matrix and returns the result. The percent parameter lets the user specify scale factors (xScale and yScale) as percentages (such as 33) instead of absolute values (such as 0.33).

                  public static function scale(sourceMatrix:Matrix, xScale:Number, yScale:Number, percent:Boolean = true):Matrix 
                          if (percent) 
                                  xScale = xScale / 100;
                                  yScale = yScale / 100;
                          sourceMatrix.scale(xScale, yScale)
                          return sourceMatrix;
Translates a matrix and returns the result.

                  public static function translate(sourceMatrix:Matrix, dx:Number, dy:Number):Matrix {
                          sourceMatrix.translate(dx, dy);
                          return sourceMatrix;
Rotates a matrix and returns the result. The unit parameter lets the user specify "degrees", "gradients", or "radians".

                  public static function rotate(sourceMatrix:Matrix, angle:Number, unit:String = "radians"):Matrix {
                          if (unit == "degrees") 
                                  angle = Math.PI * 2 * angle / 360;
                          if (unit == "gradients")
                                  angle = Math.PI * 2 * angle / 100;
                          return sourceMatrix;
Scales a matrix and returns the result. The skewSide parameter lets the user determine which side to skew (right or bottom).The unit parameter lets the user specify "degrees", "gradients", or "radians".

                  public static function skew(sourceMatrix:Matrix, angle:Number, skewSide:String = "right", unit:String = "degrees"):Matrix {
                          if (unit == "degrees") 
                                  angle = Math.PI * 2 * angle / 360;
                          if (unit == "gradients")
                                  angle = Math.PI * 2 * angle / 100;
                          var skewMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();                        
                          if (skewSide == "right") 
                                  skewMatrix.b = Math.tan(angle);
                          } else  { // skewSide == "bottom"
                                  skewMatrix.c = Math.tan(angle);
                          return sourceMatrix;

(C) Æliens 27/08/2009

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