creative technology
[] readme new(s) workshop(s) project(s) CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 course(s) interactive visualization / serious games resource(s) _ / .

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hint(s) for the instructor(s)

The virtual environments course provides an excellent opportunity to let students create more challenging applications, than in previous courses, including augmented reality game(s) and scenario-driven narrative(s) in a more-or-less realistic setting. Active alignment with related courses in mathematics and design is necessary for optimal results.

The original choice for VRML/X3D is motivated by the wish to have a light-weight platform for experimentation. Also when applications are developed for the T-XChange (contact dr. Johan de Heer), an approach that allows for fast experiemntation should be encouraged, in order to allow for fast iterations in prototyping the (final) application(s).

[] readme new(s) workshop(s) project(s) CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 course(s) interactive visualization / serious games resource(s) _ / .

(C) Æliens 09/09/09