
[] introduction, legacy, interfaces, examples, conclusions, references, appendix
Extending hush with CORBA was an an excellent exercise to get acquainted with Orbix/CORBA technology. From a designer's point of view, the hush framework proved to be sufficiently abstract to allow for recapturing its design by means of IDL interfaces. Lacking in the current realization of crush though, are proper exceptions to indicate possible error conditions. For making hush CORBA-compliant, we have made a first step. To complete the job, however, we need to explore in what way crush components can be employed in actual applications.

Evidently, the contribution of this work is that it shows how to integrate CORBA functionality with an already existing framework. In particular the need for client-side adaptors for resolving the type clash between the 'native' classes and the CORBA IDL classes has been amply demonstrated. Enriching hush with CORBA makes crush a potential competitor of Fresco, the CORBA based GUI toolkit derived from the Interviews library.

[] introduction, legacy, interfaces, examples, conclusions, references, appendix